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MOM HACKS | Ready Made Gifts

Mar 13

mom hacks

Ready Made Gifts Ready Made Gifts Ready Made Gifts Ready Made Gifts Ready Made Gifts Ready Made Gifts Ready Made Gifts Ready Made Gifts

MOM HACKS || Ready Made Gifts

I learned this mom hack from my mother of course. She has always had a drawer or a shelf in her house full of ready made gifts. You just never know when something is going to pop up. A neighbor invites you over for dinner on short notice, a birthday you forgot or just buying ahead to save time later. Recently, one of my daughters teachers had a 1/2 birthday at school and all of the kids were supposed to bring in a card or a small gift. That’s when I finally decided that I needed to have my own little gift drawer at my house….FINALLY!

I’ve added a little shop section below for some ready made gift suggestions. My FAVORITE are the greeting cards, haha. I’m literally buying every.single.one because they are just TOO FUNNY. Why not avoid a stressful moment and get prepared for things that might pop up. Life happens and things will always pop up!!

Gift Ideas To Keep On Hand:

  1. Candle with a cute set of matches
  2. Vase
  3. Birthday/Anniversary/Get Well Cards
  4. Yeti Mug
  5. Starbucks Gift Card
  6. Stylish Water Bottle
  7. Journal
  8. Enclosure Cards
  9. Gift Bags w/ White Tissue Paper

Do y’all have any mom/life hacks I need to know about? If so, leave a comment because I love hearing from y’all. -Jess


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